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Official Veterinarians M/F in Netherlands

Are you a resident of the EU and do you like to work for the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority? EURES the Netherlands is looking for:



For the purpose of an increase in surveillance and export certification of products of animal origin; Flexvet is looking for veterinarians on behalf of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Are you interested? We have job opportunities in variable regions of the Netherlands; guaranteed in the north and east. If you are interested, we sincerely invite you to send in your application as to get acquainted and to explore the options that are available for you.

The NVWA guards food safety and the health and wellbeing of animals. Your most important task as an official veterinarian is to protect animal and public health, animal welfare and to watch over the quality of (exported) products. In this challenging job position, with important responsibilities, you are making the difference when it comes to protecting the wellbeing of animals in large, moderate and small slaughterhouses (red meat and poultry). Your duties start when the animals arrive. Did they endure the transport well? Do they look healthy? You are watching every step in the slaughter process closely. You are not only checking carcasses to see whether the meat is fit for human consumption, you also verify that all operations are performed hygienically and in accordance to applicable regulations, laws and guidelines. If necessary and desired, you take appropriate measures. For the export certification activities; you will visit primary production plants, animal collection centers for export and cold stores.

When working for the NVWA you get every opportunity to explore and develop yourself. That starts on the very first day. We won’t let you start unprepared; we offer you a challenging sixteen month training program. That way, you will have all the tools and knowledge to perform your job as well as possible.



Would you like to know what the job entails? Look at these videos of two of the NVWA veterinarians:

https://youtu.be/Pzp959QiO6A and https://youtu.be/i6RmWmXSH7c


Position requirements

• You have an European acknowledged veterinary degree

• You have a passport issued by one of the EU-countries

• Preferably, you have experience working as a veterinarian or in this sector. However, this is not a requirement. You can apply even if you just graduated veterinary medicine.

• You are a strong person, you can act firmly on behalf of the NVWA and you will hold your ground in tense situations.

• You have strong written and verbal English communication skills.

• You are willing and able to learn the Dutch language at level B2 during a crash course.

• You have good judgement, are able to distinguish major issues from minor issues and can make fast decisions when necessary.

• You are willing to move to the Netherlands.



• Before you start as an official veterinarian you will participate in an intensive training program. During this period you will receive salary (for 30 hours a week).

• Your training starts with an intensive Dutch language course level B2 during which free housing is provided.

• If you pass the language course, you will be admitted to the veterinary training.

• An online assessment will be part of the selection procedure.

• If the collection committee seems it necessary, references shall be obtained. You will be notified if this is the case.

• If you want to participate in the training program of September 2024, please apply as soon as possible.

• You will initially receive a one year contract. If you function properly, your training is completed and your evaluations are good, this will be converted into a permanent appointment.


Are you interested? Please send your CV and letter of motivation to: rosa.bouwman@uwv.nl