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Empowering Greece with Skills for a Sustainable Future

The event is the pinnacle of a series of events organised by DYPA, under the supervision of the National Coordinator for Skills in Greece and Head of the National Skills Council, Spiros Protopsaltis.

The event aimed to underscore the need for European citizens to upskill, focusing on specific recommendations on what has been done, what is being done and what needs to be done in Greece.

Extracting valuable insights from previous initiatives, particularly within the framework of the European Year of Skills 2023 (EYS), and processing them will enable targeted actions by all involved organizations. This is key if we want Greece to improve its position in the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and to align with the European Union's goals outlined in the "Europe 2030" strategy.

Representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Greek Government, Social Partners, universities, top executives from leading companies in their respective fields, as well as DYPA VET students and beneficiaries of DYPA training programs funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, also participated the event.

The main thematic sessions of the event include:

• Skills for a new economy

• Skills for an accessible and inclusive workplace

• Working as one: Education, training, and employment systems

• A digital agenda for social transformation

Clikc here for the presentation of Mr. Spiros Protopsaltis, DYPA Governor, and National Coordinator, European Year of Skills

Clich here for the Agenda

Click here to watch the video recording of the event

Click here to visit the event’s website

Click here to watch the opening video of the event