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New DYPA model office for citizens belonging to special social groups in Athens

New DYPA model office for citizens belonging to special social groups in Athens

The new model office for Special Social Groups (GEKO) of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) was launched today, Tuesday, May 28th, at 125th, 28th Octovriou Str. (Patision Avenue), Athens.

Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Domna Michailidou, Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zacharaki, the President of the Organisation Against Drugs (OKANA), Athanasios Theocharis, along with DYPA Governor, Spiros Protopsaltis and Deputy Governor, Gianna Chormova, visited the new model office.

During their visit, the Prime Minister came in contact with citizens belonging to special social groups and discussed their integration into the labour market as well as the active labour market policies and actions implemented by DYPA to promote their employment.

The new GEKO adopts innovative features and modern facilities, such as the tactile floor, access to remote interpretation in each office space, a visually isolated space to serve the needs of special groups with full accessibility for persons with mobility impairments.

Furthermore, the GEKO office has a space specially designed for individual or group counselling in collaboration with the bodies working with special and vulnerable social groups, as well as a modern archive area with mobile archive cabinets.

The new GEKO office was established in a venue which was closed since 2012, when it ended up to DYPA's ownership from the f. OEE. In 2023 it was decided to utilise the space for the benefit of unemployed persons belonging to Special and Vulnerable Social Groups (EKO). Τhe project with a total budget of 744.000€, was completed with a total cost of 586.246€, in less than10 months.

The GEKO office will operate every second Wednesday of each month with extended hours, in order to host special actions to improve the work integration of the specific groups. Specialised scientist will provide information and support to various vulnerable social groups.

The operation of the new office is part of the DYPA's interventions to support citizens belonging to special and vulnerable social groups, providing information and specialized updates on training, employment and entrepreneurship issues, as well as tailor-made support, to facilitate their integration into the labour market and their independence.

Click here for the Press Release





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