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Surgical Assistants to work in Gothenburg, SWEDEN




Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) is one of Northern Europe’s biggest hospitals located in Gothenburg, Sweden, the heart of Scandinavia. At SU you will have about 17 000 colleagues divided between our different, specialized units. Together we create healthcare of highest quality, always with the patient in focus. We practice comprehensive research and development-work, and with us you will have great opportunity to develop your skills. We practice everything from county healthcare to highly specialized care on a national level. Through interesting research we can set our direction towards the healthcare of the future.


Job description

The department of Anesthesiology, Surgery and Intensive care (An/Op/Iva) is responsible for anesthesia (anesthesia), surgical service, intensive care, recovery and emergency pain management. The department has two operating sections, an intensive care unit, a pain therapy center and a pressure chamber. In collaboration with the Sahlgrenska Academy, research and development is conducted.


Operation 1 performs colorectal surgery, upper gastrointestinal surgery and infection-related procedures. We also provide anesthesia service to dental care, psychiatric clinics, GEA, our pressure chamber unit and medicine clinics. Our unit has emergency services around the clock. We have approximately 100 employees and conduct 4000-5000 operations per year. Research and development work is conducted at the department.

In this position you will prepare the operating room for surgery, setting up and handle the surgical instruments and equipment.


Your job assignments include:

working with the operation team consisting of an anesthesiology nurse and an assistant nurse to provide care for patients before, during and after surgery assist in positioning the patient on the surgical table suturing use of suctions guided by the operating surgeon, pass surgeons instruments and assist during complications holding retractors staunching bleeding assist with the treatment of wounds assist with endoscopy procedures involvement with the team completion of the WHO surgical safety checklist for all surgical intervention collect samples for lab tests


Who we are looking for

We are looking for you who:

are educated within the EU//EES and holding a European citizenship have an education as an Assistant Nurse or similar have minimum 2 years of previous experience from surgical work (preferably abdominal surgery) are fluent in English, (Swedish is meritorious!)


As a person you have good abilities to co-operate, take responsibility and you are thorough in your work. This along with your willingness and interest to work with people in vulnerable situations will be taken into great consideration during the recruitment process. Together with your colleagues you want to create the best possible care for the patient!


What we offer

We are offering you the opportunity to work in a developing environment within both intensive care and surgery. We are looking for Surgical Assistants.

We will assist you with relocation and housing matters and provide you with a mentor for a proper introduction to the assignment.


We are looking forward to your application!


Gothenburg, a city that sits beautifully on the Swedish west coast with the sea close by. Today Gothenburg has appr. 570 000 inhabitants and the city continues to grow every year. Gothenburg is among other things known for its unique archipelago, the fresh seafood, as an event city with a rich cultural life and for its multicultural range of restaurants and bars.


The size of the city makes it easy to get from one place to another, and together with a focus on social and cultural activities, it makes Gothenburg an appreciated city to live in, for both Swedes as well as for expats.


Please send your CV and personal letter in english as soon possible to: health@arbetsformedlingen.se

Please write Swedish Week 2019 Karolinska in the subject line of your mail.


FUN FACT! Gothenburg has been elected as Sweden’s most social and nicest town in many different international surveys. For more information: http://www.movetogothenburg.com


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