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Ζητούνται άμεσα Specialists in Rheumatology στο Norrbotten Σουηδίας

Region Norrbotten is looking for Specialists in Rheumatology


About the Region

Region Norrbotten works for the residents of Norrbotten. We are given a mandate by the residents of the county through public elections. Region Norrbotten is the county’s biggest employer. We have approximately 7,500 employees, most of who work within health and medical care, but we also provide dental care, IT and education.

Norrbotten is a large county, and takes up a quarter of Sweden’s surface area. The Region has five hospitals located in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, together with 33 health care centers. Our organizations feature both creativity and innovation. The long distances between locations in our county have resulted in us becoming the best at IT solutions within healthcare.

Norrbotten is experiencing a strong development, both financially and culturally. Here you will find energetic, warm and considerate people together with utility, cities and wilderness. Norrbotten offers excellent opportunity to combine work and leisure.


Sunderby hospital

Sunderby hospital is the county hospital with specialist functions both as emergency and planned activities within all specialist areas except thorax and neurosurgery. The hospital has 2 500 employees and 400 beds. Sunderby hospital runs together with Umeå University the medical education for doctors from semester six to eleven.

For more information visit http://www.norrbotten.se/


About the workplace

The Rheumatology clinic at Sunderby hospital serves the whole county and is part of a competence center for Infection/Dermatology/Pulmonary/Hygiene and Rheumatology. The Rheumatology clinic has approximately 18 000 cases per year, using different ways of communication with patients. The competence center consists of reception and treatment unit and has access to a few beds in one of the wards in the hospital.

The clinic runs a high specialist care for patients with inflammatory, rheumatic joint, back and system diseases. We diagnose, treat and screen diseases and also have a structured followup of patients.  The rheumatology rehabilitation team includes occupational therapist, physiotherapist, counselor and nurses. A doctor is in charge of the team. The clinic is currently developing the rheumatology rehabilitation level 3 for patients in Norrbotten.

The medical development in rheumatology is one of the most expansive areas within research and development and has resulted in a total conversion from a more rehabilitated oriented care to a more high specialized medical specialty with an early intervene and efficient modern medical treatment as highest priority for our patients.



In your work as a specialist you meet patients coming to the hospitals on referrals for ultra sound examinations and follow-ups. The work also includes on calls and responsibility for inpatients. You will be in charge of a certain field of work and the team connected with this specialty and is expected to cooperate with other functions within the clinic. You will have opportunities for personal development, attending various, courses and congresses.

As a senior physician we expect you to have

a level of medical knowledge and competence to take sole responsibility for the appointed field of work good leadership qualities and be able to lead the team successfully to set targets an academic approach to your specialty and thus participate in the development of a more evidence based care and be prepared to guide students and co-workers in all clinical situations be able to take responsibility for operational development as well as leading projects and continual improvements


Your background

We are looking for specialists in rheumatology. We can offer you stimulating, varied duties, and you will have the opportunity to influence the structure and content of your work.

You are a specialist with EU license. Swedish license and knowledge in Swedish would be an advantage. We expect you to be committed, competent and flexible. We place great importance in personal suitability.



We offer full time employment. Our ambition is a permanent employment. We will support with practical arrangements like accommodation and introduction program and may provide language training.

Region Norrbotten practices individual salary setting in accordance with collective agreements.


For more information, contact:

Susanne Sundvall, head of department susanne.sundvall@norrbotten.se

Maria Klosinska Linder, senior physician maria.linder@norrbotten.se

NikitasSamiotakis, senior physician nikitas.samiotakis@norrbotten.se

GhadeerThabet, union representative NLF ghadeer.thabet@norrbotten.se


Send your application labeled Specialist Rheumatology to: euresgreece@oaed.gr

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